Tuesday, October 21, 2003
Baby Jesus
It has been baby week around here. Our good friends David and Melissa had a baby boy last Thursday, and our new friends Tammy and Monty had their baby last Sunday. Both babies are first borns for these couples and are both boys. Baby Gavin and baby Login. ( I hope I spelled their names right.) So we made are rounds visiting our friends and adoring their new borns.
I am absolutely amazed how dependent these little children are upon their parents. These babies, well in fact, all babies are dependent upon their parents for warmth, food, love, cleaning, dressing and safety. This is not really revolutionary thinking here, but as I laid in bed I could not help but think of baby Jesus.
Jesus the Christ. Jesus the son of God who died on a Cross for the Sins of the world. Jesus, who rose from the dead on the 3rd day. Jesus who kicked butt in the temple throwing tables around. Jesus who walked on water. The Jesus who healed people and rose people from the dead. You get the picture, yeah that Jesus. He was once a small child completely vulnerable and dependent upon Mary his mother and Joseph his father.
God dependent upon men for a short time. Not dependent upon a spiritual basis, but a physical one. Needing safety, food, and warmth.
It's hard for me to understand why God would put himself in that position. I mean Jesus could of descended from heaven at age 30 and start his ministry then, but rather he came as a child born in a manger. They ways of God puzzle me, as they should.
It has been baby week around here. Our good friends David and Melissa had a baby boy last Thursday, and our new friends Tammy and Monty had their baby last Sunday. Both babies are first borns for these couples and are both boys. Baby Gavin and baby Login. ( I hope I spelled their names right.) So we made are rounds visiting our friends and adoring their new borns.
I am absolutely amazed how dependent these little children are upon their parents. These babies, well in fact, all babies are dependent upon their parents for warmth, food, love, cleaning, dressing and safety. This is not really revolutionary thinking here, but as I laid in bed I could not help but think of baby Jesus.
Jesus the Christ. Jesus the son of God who died on a Cross for the Sins of the world. Jesus, who rose from the dead on the 3rd day. Jesus who kicked butt in the temple throwing tables around. Jesus who walked on water. The Jesus who healed people and rose people from the dead. You get the picture, yeah that Jesus. He was once a small child completely vulnerable and dependent upon Mary his mother and Joseph his father.
God dependent upon men for a short time. Not dependent upon a spiritual basis, but a physical one. Needing safety, food, and warmth.
It's hard for me to understand why God would put himself in that position. I mean Jesus could of descended from heaven at age 30 and start his ministry then, but rather he came as a child born in a manger. They ways of God puzzle me, as they should.