
Sunday, October 26, 2003


Who will save our city from this Krispy Cream Invasion?!?
I drove past it this morning and they had several cars in line, plus they had cones up to help direct traffic. I drove by shaking my head, "you poor lost souls."

But it got worse. At church today they were selling Krispy Cream gift cards as a fund raiser. Then during the church service, Pastor Dan offered a free Krispy Cream Donut to any one who had never had one. Krispy has invaded my church! Oh Lord help us!!!

See as a Probation Officer, I have extensive knowledge on the drug trade. What I saw here at church is not much different. See drug dealers give out freebees if you will, to get people hooked, then before you know it your an addict. Throwing your money at the man for another fix.

See, Dan (as a pusher for the Krispy Man) is giving that little freebee. Then you want another one, then another and then your spending large amounts of money a week for this little powder puff of sugar.

Am I the only one who sees what's going on here?!?
By the way, I stood strong and did not give in to the free Krispy Donut offered this morning. My boycott stands strong.

On a more serious note.

I judged a man today at church. I saw a man who had several gang related tattoos on his body. I judged him as a person who was not willing to clean up himself before coming to church. What I mean is, if he was ready to come to God, he would of tried to cover up his tattoos, and by not doing so he was basically advertising that he was a Fresno Bulldog. (A very serious street and prison gang out of Fresno)

I realize that my thinking of this way is completely wrong. It is kinda hard though. For 40 hours a week, gang members are my enemy and I am theirs. In the field, it is an "us against them" mentality. I surpress gang activity and I enjoy it. I ran the gang unit at the Juvenile hall for 2 years, and most of my kids on my case load are gang involved. I drive different routes to work everyday. I sleep with a gun next to my bed and sometimes carry it with me. I am aware of the dangers and violence that comes with gangs. I fear it, though I will never ever show, for fear is weakness.

I know that if they are going to change, it has to be a God thing, but when they show up on my home turf I become hypercritical.

For I came as I was and still come as I am. So why can't he?

Forgive me Lord, and bless that man.

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