
Monday, November 03, 2003

About my thoughts on Kosmos

I wanted to add that the last entry was not an attack or by any means a discredit to Walt Whitman's idea or Jason's idea of Kosmos ( as a community).

I just wanted to say that whenever I learn something new or I come across a thought that is provoking I have to measure it up to my faith.
I have to see if it fits within my realm of thinking. Not that I am closed minded, but rather I am wanting to grown. I have to think about how this new thought or idea compares or applies to what I have become to believe is true.

So therefore, my faith often comes up first because that is what I have found to define myself. If my faith defines me, I am quick to defend that. But I don't want to defend it in the sense of close mindedness or hostility, but rather through open mindedness and acceptances of new ideas. What can I learn? And with what I have learned, how does that fit in my faith, or at least of what I know about faith.

I found that what Jason was sharing about Walt Whitman fits very nicely in what I have already come to believe.

Really what it did was support what I believe to be true about the community of God and beings and it put it in better terms then what I have heard before.

I am not sure why I needed to explain where I was and am coming from. I guess I just did not want to be misunderstood as one trying to press my beliefs upon others. Because that is not the case.

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