
Thursday, November 06, 2003


I watched a television show last night about submarines. Those things amaze me. Here is a few things I learned last night.

Did you know that the first submarine was invented during the Revolutionary War? George Washington used it in a mission to attach a bomb to a British Ship, but it failed. They were also used in the civil war, but it was not until World War I that they became the killing machines they are today.

Now days, well at least during the 1980's the submarine could go 35 knots under water. That is almost 40 miles per hour. I mentioned the 80's because all the information the documentary shared was information from the 1980's. Who knows what they are capable of doing now days.

I was surprised to learn that submarines could launch several nuclear missiles that could travel a distance of 6,000 miles in the air. These missiles also have 8 individual nuclear war heads that could hit 8 different targets. One missile is 13,000 times more powerful then one of the nuclear bombs that was used on Japan in World War II. This one missile would change weather patterns and would release 250,000,000 tons of radio activity. I don't know how you measure radio activity, but I know 250 million of anything is a lot. If you had 250 million pennies, you would be a millionaire. You would have 2 and half million dollars. Submarines don't carry just one of these missiles they can carry and launch up to 24 of them.

What is sad to me is that we as humans have created our own demise, our own destruction and I don't know why. I guess out of fear or control. Fear of losing control has put us in a situation that could end life as we know it today and I am sadden by that.

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