
Friday, November 28, 2003

I wake up today still full from yesterdays thanksgiving meals. Yes meals as in two, one at my parents house and another at my in-laws.

Thanksgiving was fun at my in-laws. Audrey made a duck and salad and of course there was all of the fixings, mash-potatoes, gravy, turkey, yams, ham, and all kinds of pies.

After the meal, I went out to the back and saddled up a horse. I have not rode a horse in a long time. It was fun but I have one beef. Audrey's sister Jennifer would not let me get on the horse unless I put on this stupid horse ridding helmet. After arguing for about 5 minutes over the stupid helmet, I gave in.

I rode the horse a round and after a while I gave it up so some of the kids could ride him.

When the kids got on (I am talking about 10 year olds) no one made them wear the stupid helmet. What the hell! I asked Audrey why I was the only one who had to wear the helmet, she replied" because you are the only one who would of fall off".

Why does nobody have faith in me? No one ever thinks I can pull it off. It's like a surprise to people when I don't fall on my ass. What gives?

Dinner at my parents was surprisingly pleasant. All of my siblings were there, and my sister's boyfriend and my brother Chris' girlfriend also joined us for dinner.

My father asked me to say grace. I don't know what the heck that was all about, but that has never happen before. Never in my life did we pray as a family at the dinner table. It was cool and weird at the same time.

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