
Friday, February 20, 2004

As I write this I am sitting in the Holiday Inn Lounge in Sacramento, enjoying a cold Sierra Nevada. Something has struck me odd.
In this lounge there is 7 people sitting by themselves, which I am one of. However, I have this laptop computer to occupy my time. As I keep looking up at these people I cant help but wonder what they are thinking about. Are they lonely, are they longing for connection of some sort of community?

I can tell you first hand, it is not all that great to be cooped up in your hotel room all by yourself, and that’s probably why I am here down stairs. I guess it just makes me feel better to be around people, even though I am still by myself. Could that be the same for the rest of my fellow Holiday Inn guests? Are just as content to be in a room with other people, or are they waiting for someone to make the first move. Someone just to look their way and “ ask them how they are doing or where they are from?”

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