
Wednesday, August 24, 2005

My thoughts on creation.

Day one
- God created the Heavens and the Earth. (Notice the plural Heavens? Whats that all about?)
Blank canvas- dark, void and deep, yet Gods spirit was moving.
Creation of Light and it was good. (Good #1)
Light was separated from Darkness.
Light was day and Darkness night
(Notice the Sun and Moon has not been created yet? Where does the light come from?)

Day Two
-Waters separated by expanse. God called the expanse Heaven

Day Three
-God gathered all the waters of the earth so that the dry land may appear.
Dry land was called earth
Gathering waters called seas and it was good (Good #2)
God said let the earth sprout vegetation and it was Good (Good#3)

Day Four
-God created Stars, Sun and Moon to govern the time, year and seasons and it was good(Good#4)

Day Five
-God Created, sea monsters, birds, and fish and it was good. (Good #5)

Day Six
-God created beasts and insects and it was Good (Good#6)
God created man in His own Image according to his likeness to rule over the fish the sea, birds of the air and beast of the land.
God saw all that he had created and behold it was very good. (Good #7)

Day Seven
- The Lord rested

In a world of hate, violence, selfishness, injustice, poverty, disease, racism, and war; in addition to our own burdens, short falls, failures, mistakes, hurts, depression, addictions and dishonesty, can God still say what he has created is very Good?

When God created Adman and Eve and it was good, does he still feel that way about you, and I?

When God looks at us, does he still say behold, it is very Good?

Are we still created in Gods image and in his own likeness?

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