
Wednesday, January 11, 2006

So, I went to the Visalia Youth Pastor Network Meeting yesterday and wow!
If you were to take a picture of all the people in the room and were to ask someone to find the person who doesn’t fit in or belong, the correct answer would be me. The group consists of people that are high energy, highly conservative, and maybe even a little zealous.

During the meeting, they promoted a Roe vs Wade memorial service for later this month. From my understanding, this is a memorial service for the unborn babies, fetuses, embroils or what ever you may want to call them and a call to prayer to have the Roe vs Wade decision over turned.

Maybe as Christians we would do better to spend our time praying for the women and their life circumstances, that which lead to their decision to have an abortion,( ie, promiscuity, adultery, rape, molest, poverty, age/youth, secretiveness, and ect..), rather than praying for aborted babies, and for the over turning of a Court decision? Maybe we should be praying for the healing and restoration for those women who suffer from regret, depression, and guilt after the abortion?

I don’t know, that’s just me….. I am the square peg among the round ones.

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