
Tuesday, May 27, 2008

It is taboo to talk politics and religion while camping. This weekend, one of the people we were camping with shared with me how great of a sermon their pastor gave last week. This sermon was about how wrong it was for the State of California over-turn the gay marriage ban and that homosexuality was abomination to God. My response was that I think God is more concerned over other issues than gay-marriage in California. If Christians are so concern with keeping marriages God honoring, then we ought to do something more than Promise Keepers. Perhaps we Christians should spend as much energy on keeping heterosexual marriages together as we do trying to fight the gay-marriage issue. Or, maybe we should just spend our energy on loving “homosexuals”. It seems to me that some Christians have turned gay people into modern day lepers, casting them out of churches, acceptable circles and if they had their way, their towns and cities. I have two thoughts on the issue. First, just because two heterosexuals get married, that does not automatically make it a God honoring union. If Christians are worried that state recognized marriages will be dishonoring to God, they should consider that there are plenty of marriages between a men and women that are Godless and we should be concerned about that. My second thought is Grace. I know, according to the bible, homosexuality is a sin; however, I have plenty of sin myself. I know I drink more than ought to, I don’t always honor my wife like I should, I have at times shut hurting people out, not wanting to deal with them, I can be lustful, I have been jealous, I have not been very charitable with my money and do all of these sinful things regularly. If God’s grace is not big enough to cover homosexuality, than I am in trouble. We are all in trouble.

Before anyone attacks me for heresy, they should read what Paul wrote in Romans, about sin and grace.

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