Saturday, August 09, 2008
Thursday was Jacob's one week post operation check-up with the doctor. Gracie went along with Audrey and Jacob into the examining room where the nurse carefully inspected Jacob's stitches for infections and to ensure he is healing correctly. Gracie listen intently as the nurse told Audrey that the tissue was healing fine and to continue placing neosorin directly on the stitches so that the tissue would not get infected and not scar. Later that afternoon Gracie asked Audrey with deep concern and confusion, "Mama, why does Jacob have Kleenex on his bootie?" Bewildered at Gracie's question, Audrey asked Gracie what she was talking about. "Mama! the nurse told you to put medicine on Jacob's kleenex."
Here a couple of pics from the day of Jacob's procedure at Valley Children's Hospital.