
Friday, November 21, 2008

Its funny how you can go about life learning things, specifically complex things and then one day learn something so simple that you have to ask yourself, "how did I not know this before"? Something so simple… so common sense.

I just learned information is not transformation. I came across this conclusion while in my AA meetings. You can gather a head full of information, but until you apply the information to your life, you won’t see and results (transformation), which I desperately need.

In my spiritual life, I have sat in churches for the last ten years and have gather information, truth, principles and disciplines, but at some point, my spiritual progress staled. I now realize that over the last few years, though I still attended church and read spiritual books as well as the bible, I was no longer applying what I was learning or being taught to my life, which subsequently halted by progression and transformation.

Now I found myself desperately needing transformation and I am applying all that I can learn to my life.

A head full of knowledge is useless without a heart that is willing for application.

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