Monday, August 16, 2010
What better way to embarrass your older sister, than to show up to her school dressed as Spider-man

Last Friday, I had to go pick Gracie up from school because Audrey was in Los Angeles with her mother. At about the time Jacob and I needed to head out the door to go get her, Jacob insisted on being allowed to wear his Spider-man costume. No problem there, actually, I thought it would be pretty funny to see Gracie's face when she saw her little brother dressed up as Spider-man. Once we got to Gracie's school, I let him out and adjusted his mask for him. I think he really thought he was Spider-man at that moment because I have never seen him get so much into character before. As soon as we entered the gym, he started shooting pretend webs from his wrist at about 75 first and second graders, sound effects and all. He then bursted into sprint, running and jump across the gymnasium floor. At one point he attempted a cart wheel. Gracie wasn't as embarrassed as I thought she would be, mainly, because her little brother was a hit among the other children and teachers.